Measures to prevent COVID-19 infections


In order to prevent infection spread of the new coronavirus, and protect our guests and staff inside our accommodation, we carry out the following measures.
We deeply appreciate your cooperation, and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
- We decline from accommodating any guest who is suspect of infection by the new coronavirus. For that reason, during check -in, all our guests will have to fill in a health check sheet and declare whether they have any symptoms of the new infectious disease.
- We have installed humidifiers in all guestrooms, and alcohol disinfectant in all common areas. We strongly urge our guests to wash their hands, gargle and disinfect with alcohol frequently.
- We provide face masks to guests who want further precaution. Please ask our staff. Some staff may wear face masks while on duty for the time being.
- For the time being, we provide free access to the SHOFU private bath to guests who prefer bathing in private. Please check with our staff for availability.
- Guests who prefer meals to be served at their guest room, please reserve the “meals served at the guest room” Plan. Guests who have reserved the stay plan with meals served at the restaurant may also be upgraded upon their arrival to room-service plan whenever possible.
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